Additional Educational Needs

A child is considered to have additional learning needs when:

  • The child is consistently performing significantly below class average or age group expectations in a particular area of learning or across several areas of learning including behaviour and concentration.
  • The child is identified as consistently having particular difficulties in a subject area which relate closely to the criteria for a Learning Difficulty.
  • Difficulties cannot be accounted for by the child having English as an Additional Language
  • If the child has a special educational needs diagnosis
  • The child has a physical condition which impacts learning or performance.
  • If the child is unable to follow the daily class routine to the same level as his/her peers

If a child with additional needs or a Learning Difficulty is enrolled or identified in the school, parents should provide the school with:

  • A formal diagnosis (if applicable) detailing the nature of the additional needs/learning difficulty including suggestions/requirements for the school environment
  • A report from all other professionals working with the child detailing strategies to be used in class regarding the support of the student in tasks relating to the weaknesses
  • The contact details of all professionals involved in order for the Teacher to contact specialists for further advice or clarification.
  • Where a medical issue is related: a doctor’s report and any steps that need to be put into place by the school to ensure the safety/health of that child

The school should:

  • Follow the school’s identification procedure for students with additional needs (see below)
  • Hold a multi-professional team meeting (including external professionals working with the child) every six months to discuss progress and allow for the Teacher and Parents to voice concerns or ask specialists for guidance on a given topic. In the event that this is not possible, other means of communication should be arranged.
  • An IEP should be completed following each multi-professional meeting and reviewed before the next multi-professional meeting (6 months later)
  • Termly progress reports should include the additional steps taken by staff to accommodate the additional needs of the specific child
  • An individual folder for the specific child should be kept within the classroom with copies of:All above mentioned reports and assessments
    • Minutes from the multi-professional team meetings
    • IEPs
    • Progress Reports
    • Contact details of related professionals
    • All communication of Teacher with LS Team Leader
  • The child’s folder should be passed on from each Year to the next in order to ensure a smooth transition to the following year.
  • When the additional needs cannot be met by the class teacher or class assistant a one to one support assistant needs to be employed by the parent to provide the additional support needed.

Procedure for identification of students with additional needs:

  • Classroom teacher identifies a student that may have additional need and monitors performance and tracks progress
  • If insufficient progress is being made Teacher to fill in ‘Observation Request’ form and refer to the Special Educator
  • Special Educator to collect evidence from student’s work and carry out observation or provide Teacher with relevant checklist or questionnaires
  • Meeting to be held with Special Educator and Teacher to evaluate the student’s needs
  • Parents to be notified of the school’s concerns
  • Where necessary a referral should be made for a formal assessment