
Applications are received on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the year.

There are certain criteria that would allow for one application to be considered ahead of others in the following circumstances:

  1. Depending on significant boarding need according to severe family circumstances, etc.)
  2. The children of those serving in the armed forces.
  3. The sibling of a pupil in school.
  4. An applicant must follow the following procedure:
    1. Enquiry – enquiries about the availability of a boarding place does not mean an application has been made and a place cannot be held.
    2. Application – an application is made by submitting a completed application form by post or online. An incomplete application will not be considered and the applicant may not always be asked to re-submit.
    3. Request for further information – if there appears to be a need to request further information, such as clarification of boarding need or year group, then this will be requested and be required before the application can proceed.
    4. Invitation to interview – an interview to determine suitability for boarding will be offered. This can take place in person at the school, on Skype or in person during a recruitment exhibition. Visits to the school will always involve a tour of the school and boarding house and meeting with the Management team.A meeting with the SENCo or Principal/Heads may be requested and/or required and will be discussed.
    5. Reference request – a reference from the applicant’s current school will be requested and reviewed to assist in determining suitability for boarding.
    6. Offer – an offer to board will be made subject to all the necessary particulars being completed. A contract and request for deposit will be made and a timeframe given to accept or withdraw the offer.